The Cleanup feature can be accessed in both Excel and Word, albeit with slightly different subsets of functions. Further, the way in which the target documents are selected is different in Word and Excel.
Cleanup Feature in Microsoft Excel
In Microsoft Excel, the Cleanup feature is activated once you have created and selected a DocumentTracker that has no pending changes to be applied. The selected cleanup operation (e.g., Restore Document Properties) is performed on all tracked documents.
The individual operations are described in the Cleanup Operations section further below.
Cleanup Feature in Microsoft Word
In Microsoft Word, the operations offered by the Cleanup feature can be performed on either the active document or a set of selected documents. When selecting documents, all of those documents must be contained in the same folder.
The individual operations are described in the Cleanup Operations section further below.
Cleanup Operations
The following table lists all cleanup operations available in DokuMate for Excel and Word, respectively. The Word-related operations are further differentiated by whether they can be performed on the active document or a set of selected documents.
The cleanup operations are generally available in the contexts in which they make sense. For example, the Finish Review operation is not offered for the active document, because you can easily achieve the same with the built-in Word functions. The same is not true for larger sets of documents, which is why the operation is made available in Excel and for sets of selected documents.
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